

Asia Soccer Business Hub


Web Development


Company NameAngle inc.
CEOMemi Miyake
Establishment DateSeptember 13th, 2016
Corporate Number in Japan3011203002416
DUNS Number693165609
Services1) Media and community management
2) Web and IT marketing support
3) Web site production
Accepted Payment MethodsMizuho Bank
SBI Sumishin Bank
Japan Net Bank

During my student years, I ventured into the world of IT, handling a wide range of projects primarily focused on web development and marketing.

I firmly believe that emerging technologies, such as AI, which has been making remarkable progress in recent years, are not just for business purposes, but powerful tools to make a significant contribution to society.

“Making the new world more comfortable.” Under this slogan, we relentlessly pursue innovative solutions every day. Together with all of you, we aspire to shape a better future.

July 1st, 2023
Memi Miyake, CEO of Angle Inc.


    Please click here to contact us or make a request. As a general rule, we will reply within 3 business days.
